Tacos Al Pastor Recipe (Pork Tacos)
How to Make Tacos al Pastor Buenas dias! Y Bienvenidos a Hilah Cooking!Me llamo Hilah. Today I am gonna show you how to make al pastor tacos which are my favoritekind of pork tacos in the world, and I will show you how I make them, and we'll startwith the marinade with several different delicious ingredients, and then I will show you oneway of cooking them, but if you look at the website, you can see other kinds of ways ofcooking them. Let get started. Vamonos! [MUSIC]Okay, so I am gonna start with the marinade first. Typically what al pastor means nowadays,it means it involves pineapple and chiles, so I am gonna use some guajillo chiles whichare smooth and very fruity smelling and then some ancho chiles which are dried poblano,and they are all wrinkly and they are kind of more smoky. Some pineapple. Let's see. I am gonna start throwing some crap in the blender. I got some garlic, and maybe likehalf a cup of onion, and I have got some water boiling over here because I am going to rehydratethese peppers so that I can get the seeds and the stems off easily, and obviously softenthem up since they are dry as a bone. My God I almost cut my finger. Okay, that , and then like a cup of this pineapple juice. Thank God this thing has a measureon it. Oops, okay, let a couple go in there. So pineapple is known for kind of having enzymaticproperties that tenderize meat. I am using canned pineapple because I am gonna marinatethis for a while. Canned pineapple because it's been processed and cooked, the enzymesare pretty inactivated so it doesn't have the same tenderizing qualities as fresh. Ifyou were gonna use fresh pineapple in here, don't let it marinate for longer than an houror the meat will just kind of turn to mush, unpleasant. So fun fact for you. All right,that was oregano, some cinnamon, some achiote powder which I don't know, I think it's kindof for color mostly and a little bit of vinegar, and some pepper. And while I am waiting for my water to boil, I am going to go ahead and slice my pork tenderloin. Okay, so normally it's, this is cooked on like a big rotisserie with huge, giant piecesof pork, but I don't have a big rotisserie, so I am going to slice it and then cook iton the grill later after it's marinated. So I am cutting it on a diagonal so that we canend up with larger pieces that will be easier to cook on a grill and then when it's alldone we'll dice it and put it in some tacos. Just kidding, it's pronounced "taco," evenI know that. All right, one down, add my water, just boiled, I turned it off, and now I amjust gonna drop these babies in, and they are gonna get all mushy and stuff. Get onin that spa you peppers, and we'll just let them soak for a couple of minutes and justsort of jab them because it's fun. It's been about five minutes and these thingsare hotter than hades, so I am gonna gently pull off that and then that comes out, pourout the seeds and the water that's in there now, and drop it in my blender, and you mightwant to let these cool if you don't have amazing man hands like I do. Whoop, and there's anotherone. Okay, I am gonna save this water just in case I need to add some to thin out mymarinade. Now I am just gonna blend this crazy concoction. Get ready! Let me make sure that'stight. Jab it a little. And you always want to be careful when you're blending anythinghot because the pressure builds up and if I was safer I would have a dishtowel and myhand over this, but I am living on the edge here. [blending]Beautiful! Mmmmmm! It smells all pineapply and chileey, Okay, now I am just going topour this over my meats. Okay, [laughs] okay onion fumes making me cry. Anyway, okay, sothis is all covered up. Every little piece soaking away. I am gonna put a lid on it,and we'll come back in a few hours to cook it. Okay, here I am in my backyard. I gotmy grill going. My pork has been marinating for about four hours, and I have stirred itcouple of times in that period and now we are ready to put these puppies on the grill. Okay, now here I go. Putting them on the grill. Hey, there's flies. Okay, it's hotter thanhell over here. So I cut these about three quarters of an inch to an inch thick, so shoot,I don't know. I ain't know grillin' whiz, but I imagine it will take about five minuteson each side. We'll just see. We'll see how it goes. All right, so it's been a few minutes, and I could see these first ones I put on arestarting to get white around the edges, telling me they are getting to be done. So I am gonnago ahead and start flippin'. Hot damn! I am hotter than hell! And these are done, so Iam gonna take them off. See what I did was as the skinnier pieces got more done I movedthem to the cooler side of the grill so they didn't get overdone, and then I moved thefatter pieces over the hotter part of the grill. So I am gonna get these off, and Iam gonna let them rest. I am gonna let them take a little chill pill while I cut up myonions and my cilantro for my tacos. These might still need another couple of seconds,we'll see. Okay, screw it. They are probably fine. All right, I am gonna go cut up some meat. One thing I didn't show you was I put somepineapples on a spear and barbequed them too. Son of a gun. That looks just beautiful. Iam gonna come around this side. Let me get it chopped up real small because that's howthey do it in Mexico. Okay, now, I am gonna heat up a tortilla and make me a taco. Sohere I have some cilantro and some onion that I am gonna put on my taco, and then, whatelse you do is get you a couple of them pineapple chunks. Then some of that, some of that. I'dlike some hot sauce, there. Taco city here I come! Mmmmm. Mmmm. Hmmm. Mmmm. Mmm. That'smy favorite kind of taco. There you have it, al pastor. The recipe is at the website atHilahCooking. com, so try that out, let me know how it goes for you, and I will catchyou later amigo.
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